Littleton Coin Company

D-Day’s 75th Anniversary Honored on Coins and Currency

As wind blew through early morning darkness 75 years ago on June 6, 1944, Operation Neptune was underway. It would be the largest seaborne landing in military history to date. Gusts up to 24...
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A Coin Salute this Memorial Day

It’s so much more than the kick-off to summer. Memorial Day – observed each year on the last Monday in May – is a tribute to the men and women who have made the...
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Celebrating summer on coins & currency

Summer is the season of nature’s beauty and bounty. When plants, flowers and trees blossom and flourish. When animals and people shed their winter coats. And when nature displays its full and fertile colors...
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Meet Littleton Coin this August in Chicago!

Image courtesy of The American Numismatic Association Thousands of coin and currency collectors are expected to converge at the World’s Fair of Money when it opens August 13 just outside Chicago. The American Numismatic...
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