Littleton Coin Company

Behind the Scenes

A Legacy of Strength and Steel

Rolled out on July 15, 1941, the Jeep® brand is celebrating over 80 years at the top of its game as the powerhouse of the adventurous and risk-takers alike! But that wasn’t always the

Model of Mystery

One silver dollar bore the profile of a Philadelphia schoolteacher. Another, a young bride. In between, a silver half dollar featured a professional figure model who briefly dabbled in silent movies. It was designed

Littleton’s Heads & Tails blog ranked in Top 10
coin blogs for collectors and numismatists

Did you know Littleton Coin Company’s Heads & Tails blog is ranked among the Top 10 coin blogs for coin collectors and numismatists? It’s true. And while we don’t usually like to toot our

Littleton Coin’s Store Reopens!

One of the delights we experience here on Mt. Eustis Road in Littleton, NH is meeting coin collectors. All ages. From all compass points. Families. Motorcycle riders. Campers. Coin fans so enthusiastic they pose