Littleton Coin Company

Author Archive : Helen P.

Did Uncle Sam Have a Sister?

She’s given short shrift in modern U.S. history, but the Goddess Columbia enjoyed an early try-out as the symbol of America in the 17th and 18th centuries. Back then, European culture prized progress as

The Mettle Behind the Medal

America started the 1800s bursting with the energy of a new nation. Each decade’s developments exceeded the ones before it. Business, politics, geography, culture – all pulsated with progress. But with these changes, came

Mrs. Mink Goes to Washington

For Patsy Takemoto Mink, the halls of Congress were a long way from her birth on a Maui sugar plantation. The granddaughter of working-class Japanese immigrants, Patsy was born when Hawaii was just a

Your Pets Here!

Whether we choose them – or they choose us! – our pets are our best companions. Fur, feathers, scales, no matter their exteriors, their presence provides us with countless hours of joy and recreation.