What’s in a grade?
Breaking down the differences between Select LCC graded coins & our #2 quality pieces
One of the questions we receive regularly from customers is, “What’s the difference between your originally-graded coins, and your coins that are labeled as #2 quality?” According to Littleton’s official U.S. Coin Grading Standards,...
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NEW Innovation Dollar Design honors one of NH’s many claims to fame
Here at Littleton Coin, we’re always excited to see a new issue roll off the mint presses. New coin designs are always interesting to see, with great history behind them! But certain designs land...
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Celebrating a Silver Centennial – it’s the
100th Anniversary of the Last Morgan & First Peace Dollar!
America in 1921… a new president was inaugurated, the world continued its work to recover from a global pandemic and Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize in physics. Thank goodness for that last point,...
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