Finding the Perfect Holiday Gift in 2020
Even in the midst of a global pandemic, you can still have fun finding the perfect gifts for family and friends. Here are six ways Littleton can help you finish your holiday shopping… The...
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Nickels Recount America’s Most Epic Expedition
Wilderness survival training: Check! Transportation: Check! Diplomacy: Check! Meriwether Lewis and William Clark had those skills, plus a few good men, when they set out to explore the natural resources of the Louisiana Purchase...
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Recalling America’s Thanksgiving Story
It may have started with the Pilgrims. But growing from a single colonial feast into an annual federal holiday was a journey that took centuries, and was not without controversy… This week, Americans will...
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Somewhere… under the sea
“Several times, during various lulls of wind and sea, I thought I heard indistinct sounds, a sort of elusive harmony produced by distant musical chords. What was the secret behind this underwater navigating, whose...
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