Littleton Coin Company

The 4 Must-Have Lincoln Cent Varieties

1909 Lincoln Head Cent Ever since the first Lincoln Head Cent was issued in 1909 on the centennial of President Abraham Lincoln’s birth, this smallest of U.S. modern denominations has been popular with collectors....
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Remembering Orville Wright

Did you know January 30, 2023 marked the 75th anniversary of the passing of Orville Wright, one of the greatest pioneers? Along with his brother, Wilbur, Orville ushered in a new era when they...
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Fall in love with these romantic gifts just in time for Valentine’s Day

It’s like overnight Cupid visited every convenience store in the world and filled the shelves with pink, red, hearts, cards, teddy bears and candy for Valentine’s day. If you are on the fence about...
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New Year, New Hobby, Coin Collecting!

It is that time of year again, the famous count down in Times Square. A month of messing up the year when writing the date. And of course, new year’s resolutions. It always feels...
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