Littleton Coin Company

Collector Stories

Going From Gold Rush to Gold Melt

In the early days of our Republic, it took Congress a while to come up with legislation that produced a stable monetary system. An excellent account is found in The Guidebook of United States

The Year of Three Presidents

In most years, only one person serves as President of the United States. At times, the nation has had two presidents – usually because the people have elected a new one. Although it’s also

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – Honoring a Civil Rights Pioneer

Civil Rights Advocates Set As we stop to consider the great civil rights activists that have blazed trails through our nation’s history, few shine as brightly as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It’s been

Happy New Year! Reflecting on the year’s best – and what to watch for in 2021

It goes without saying that 2020 was a year for history’s record books. But beyond COVID, murder hornets, the election and everything in between, there were several U.S. coins and collectibles that were busy