Coin Collecting – The ties that bind
How I introduced my kids to collecting
How many times have you heard your child or grandchild say, “I’m bored… or There’s nothing to do!” Around my house it seems like a mantra! A while ago, we had one of those...
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How to keep the memory of an epic Disney vacation alive – with coins!
It’s the trip of a lifetime – one that anyone, of any age, looks forward to. The Disney vacation! I can still remember going as a kid… the sights, the sounds, and meeting the...
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First ever “P” Mint Mark Penny struck to honor the Philadelphia Mint’s 225th Anniversary
For the first time ever, the Philadelphia Mint struck pennies with a “P” mint mark catching collectors by surprise. Created to honor the 225th anniversary of the Philadelphia Mint, which opened for business in...
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Does war make “cents”? To Collectors it does!
2017 National Coin Week theme: Conflict & Courage “War… What is it good for…” well coin collectors know, in some cases, conflict creates new coins and currency – most notably the one-year-only 1943 Steel...
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