The Philadelphia Mint marks its 225th birthday
As the Philadelphia Mint celebrates its 225th anniversary this year, it’s a good time to recall the significance of our first mint and the involvement of first President George Washington… The Coinage Act of...
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Behind the Scenes in Littleton Coin’s Customer Service Department
This month I’m going to give you a little peek behind the scenes at Littleton Coin Company’s Customer Service and how the team works. After more than 70 years in business, one thing our...
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2016: The Year World Mints Pulled Out All the Stops
2016 World Coins Last month, I reviewed U.S. coins of 2016. Now, let’s put the spotlight on some of the amazing works of art that came from mints from around the world last year....
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Error Coins Continued
Wow! How did that happen? For collectors who always wondered what created those crazy errors! Brockage, clips or clad layer missing… all distinctive errors…all offering a behind-the-scenes look at the somewhat secretive inner workings...
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