Hoards, Hoarders and the Hiding Spots That Kept Their Stashes Secret
I’m sure we’ve all heard it: save some money for a rainy day! But what happens when someone takes that adage a little too far? Maybe they really enjoy a certain coin series, and...
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Meet famous and notorious paper money counterfeiters!
The use of paper currency dates back over a thousand years. And the handiwork of counterfeiters goes back nearly that far! Paper money has long been the target of novice to expert forgers. Of...
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The Keys to your Collection
Those elusive Key dates
Recently Dorothy wrote in to ask why some Roosevelt dimes are worth more than others. That got me thinking about key date, or better date coins and the impact they have on your collection....
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Add color, art and stunning designs to your collection with paper money
More and more of our coin customers are expanding their collections to include paper money. And for good reason. Paper money, and especially the older large-size currency, brings eye-catching color, impressive artwork and sophisticated...
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