The “Weighting” Game
What’s the difference between Troy & Avoirdupois?
Have you heard a coin’s weight being given in “troy ounces” or “avoirdupois ounces” and wondered, “what’s the difference?!” Word History Avoirdupois (pronounced avwa-du-pwah) This word comes from the Old French “aveir de peis,”...
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The “Fort Knox of Silver” is now the newest U.S. Mint
You probably know there are U.S. Mints in Philadelphia, Denver and San Francisco. But you may not know that a fourth and newest U.S. Mint is located in West Point, NY (site of the...
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How you can tell a rare issue from a novelty coin
“Heads I win, tails you lose…” I can still hear it: Dad teasing us with that riddle when we were kids, as he’d flip a coin. But when it comes to a two-headed (or...
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Alligator Eyes, Spitting Eagles, Hot Lips & More… Morgan Dollar Varieties add spice to your Collection
If you collect Morgan dollars or enjoy the “thrill of the hunt,” then variety collecting is for you! Since the early 1950s, enthusiasts have not only collected by date and mint mark, but also...
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