Littleton Coin Company

Tips & Tools

The “Weighting” Game
What’s the difference between Troy & Avoirdupois?

Have you heard a coin’s weight being given in “troy ounces” or “avoirdupois ounces” and wondered, “what’s the difference?!” Word History Avoirdupois (pronounced avwa-du-pwah) This word comes from the Old French “aveir de peis,”

The Keys to your Collection
Those elusive Key dates

Recently Dorothy wrote in to ask why some Roosevelt dimes are worth more than others. That got me thinking about key date, or better date coins and the impact they have on your collection.

Coin Collecting – The ties that bind
How I introduced my kids to collecting

How many times have you heard your child or grandchild say, “I’m bored… or There’s nothing to do!” Around my house it seems like a mantra! A while ago, we had one of those

Does war make “cents”? To Collectors it does!

2017 National Coin Week theme: Conflict & Courage “War… What is it good for…” well coin collectors know, in some cases, conflict creates new coins and currency – most notably the one-year-only 1943 Steel