Coins & Paper Money

The Philadelphia Mint marks its 225th birthday
As the Philadelphia Mint celebrates its 225th anniversary this year, it’s a good time to recall the significance of our first mint and the involvement of first President George Washington… The Coinage Act of

2016: The Year World Mints Pulled Out All the Stops
2016 World Coins Last month, I reviewed U.S. coins of 2016. Now, let’s put the spotlight on some of the amazing works of art that came from mints from around the world last year.

Error Coins Continued
Wow! How did that happen? For collectors who always wondered what created those crazy errors! Brockage, clips or clad layer missing… all distinctive errors…all offering a behind-the-scenes look at the somewhat secretive inner workings

Coins of the California Gold Rush
The Great Gold Rush of 1849 When gold was discovered at Sutter’s Mill in California in 1848, it kicked off the largest mass migration in American history. Hundreds of thousands of prospectors, merchants and