Littleton Coin Company

Coins & Paper Money

Meet famous and notorious paper money counterfeiters!

The use of paper currency dates back over a thousand years. And the handiwork of counterfeiters goes back nearly that far! Paper money has long been the target of novice to expert forgers. Of

Add color, art and stunning designs to your collection with paper money

More and more of our coin customers are expanding their collections to include paper money. And for good reason. Paper money, and especially the older large-size currency, brings eye-catching color, impressive artwork and sophisticated

How to keep the memory of an epic Disney vacation alive – with coins!

It’s the trip of a lifetime – one that anyone, of any age, looks forward to. The Disney vacation! I can still remember going as a kid… the sights, the sounds, and meeting the

First ever “P” Mint Mark Penny struck to honor the Philadelphia Mint’s 225th Anniversary

For the first time ever, the Philadelphia Mint struck pennies with a “P” mint mark catching collectors by surprise. Created to honor the 225th anniversary of the Philadelphia Mint, which opened for business in