Coins & Paper Money

U.S. coinage changed forever in 1999
When the Statehood quarters began in 1999, with new reverse designs every 10 weeks, it kicked off a dramatic new era in U.S. coinage! An era that has produced Westward Journey nickels, 100th anniversary

Eagle Tail Feather tall tale becomes the stuff of legends
When the U.S. Mint released first-year 1878 Morgan dollars, the eagle on the reverse sported 8 tail feathers. But supposedly ornithologists stepped forward and claimed eagles had an odd number – 7 tail feathers,

Money that is fit for the Silver Screen
Money in movies… it’s everywhere! But did you ever stop to wonder where it all comes from? Sure, it makes a fantastically dramatic scene when billions of dollars rain down after they’re dropped from

Hoards, Hoarders and the Hiding Spots That Kept Their Stashes Secret
I’m sure we’ve all heard it: save some money for a rainy day! But what happens when someone takes that adage a little too far? Maybe they really enjoy a certain coin series, and