Littleton Coin Company

Coins & Paper Money

A Festive Guide to Holiday Gift Giving for Coin Collectors!

The holiday season is upon us, and it’s the perfect time to start thinking about unique and thoughtful gifts for the coin collectors in your life. Following up on our recent video gift guide,

George Washington Carver… The Plant Doctor

What do pancake flour, hand lotion and rubber all have in common? Dr. George Washington Carver – Missouri’s own agricultural scientist and horticulturist – improved them with the use of peanuts. Born enslaved towards

Honoring those who answered freedom’s call…
Admiring the U.S. Mint’s 2024 Greatest Generation Commemorative Coins

They’re known as “The Greatest Generation” – and with good reason. When evil threatened to conquer and consume the entire world, they are the ones who answered freedom’s call… doing their parts at home

Culture Clash Leads to Change

Right place. Right time. Right skills. It’s the trifecta for success. Yankton Sioux Zitkala-Ša had all three – and more – for a Congressional push needed to grant Native Americans U.S. citizenship. Find out