Behind the Scenes

Three Presidential Political Tokens & Medals: The Campaigns of 1856 & 1864
This week’s blog post is a special installment from our Chairman, David M. Sundman. We thought this was particularly fitting, since it discusses political memorabilia from the campaigns of 1856 and 1864. Enjoy! In

A Legacy of Strength and Steel
Rolled out on July 15, 1941, the Jeep® brand is celebrating over 80 years at the top of its game as the powerhouse of the adventurous and risk-takers alike! But that wasn’t always the

Model of Mystery
One silver dollar bore the profile of a Philadelphia schoolteacher. Another, a young bride. In between, a silver half dollar featured a professional figure model who briefly dabbled in silent movies. It was designed

Littleton’s Heads & Tails blog ranked in Top 10
coin blogs for collectors and numismatists
Did you know Littleton Coin Company’s Heads & Tails blog is ranked among the Top 10 coin blogs for coin collectors and numismatists? It’s true. And while we don’t usually like to toot our