Author Archive : Susan A.

New Year, New Hobby, Coin Collecting!
It is that time of year again, the famous count down in Times Square. A month of messing up the year when writing the date. And of course, new year’s resolutions. It always feels

Sneak Peek to the 2023 Women Quarters featuring Iconic Women
The 2023 U.S. Women Quarters are almost here, honoring five trailblazing women on the reverse; Bessie Coleman, Jovita Idar, Edith Kanaka’ole, Eleanor Roosevelt and Maria Tallchief. The obverse of each coin in the U.S.

Modern day Treasure Hunt for Coin Collectors!
Coin collecting & metal detecting
What better way to grow your coin collection than finding them yourself? A perfect way to combined two epic hobbies is coin collecting and metal detecting! Coins are some of the most common finds

Unlock Your Inner Indiana Jones
Become a Coin Collector
We all know that famous Indiana Jones theme song that creates suspense, adventure, and bravery into us. The hero on the mission for treasure should be you! Coin collecting is an exciting hobby, rich