Littleton Coin Company

Author Archive : Helen P.

Somewhere… under the sea

“Several times, during various lulls of wind and sea, I thought I heard indistinct sounds, a sort of elusive harmony produced by distant musical chords. What was the secret behind this underwater navigating, whose

The pushmi-pullyu allure of coins and stamps

Many collectors recall our early history from 75 years ago, when we started out as the Littleton Stamp Company. Then, in six short years we diversified into coins. Perfect pairing! Even though we split

So last century!

What are we talking about – so last century? Well, 20th century U.S. type coins, of course! Why? It’s one of the easiest, most satisfying collections to put together if you’re just starting out

Vive la Révolution Française!

The summer of 1789 was not going well for Louis XVI, king of France (right). National debt was rising higher than a powdered pompadour. It was year two of a devastating food shortage. Military