Collecting in the time of corona

Image credited to G.M.
Social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic can’t stop us collectors from finding ways to enjoy and even share our favorite hobby. The hat tip for this blog idea goes to G.M. of Sharon, CT who appreciated his newly received 2020 American Silver Eagle.
“Thank you for your recent shipment of an Uncirculated 2020 Silver American Eagle… It arrived just in time to cheer my spirits, interest my camera, and prompt a dive into history at this difficult time.”
Reading G.M.’s caption got me thinking about pairing a 2020 American Eagle silver dollar with a 1918 Liberty Walking silver half dollar from the year of the Spanish flu. It would make a nifty two-coin set relating to two pandemics, both connected by A.A. Weinman’s much-loved symbolic design about moving forward confidently into a new day. Thanks, G.M., for inspiring us!
Coin-roll hunting and other adventures with ‘spare’ change
Just like many of our collectors, I’ve spread out loose change from the coin jar to see what finds there may be – don’t need the toll money for a while yet. Wasn’t all that long ago I picked up a Wheatie in my change at the drive-thru of a popular fast-food restaurant here in the White Mountains. Have you made any discoveries like that?
I had contact with one collector who’s going the rewarding route of coin-roll hunting with rolls he buys at the bank – one of the essential services during these interesting times. If you are new to collecting and never heard about this way to look for error coins and rare mint marks, here’s a blog we ran in 2016 that explains this fascinating strategy!
Coins for children
Here’s a story that warmed my heart. Z.S. of Chicago, IL shared:
“I’ve got a kid that lives down the street from me that loves to look through my coin collection when he gets the chance… Anyway… he’s sick. I called up and dropped a $20-spot on the [National Park Quarters] deal you have got going on. They came Tuesday… He got them yesterday.”
Way to go, Z.S.! Thank you for literally “paying it forward” with the next generation.
Any collectors looking for an extra resource to help their children add value to their distance learning? Littleton Coin’s Learn Center is jam-packed with history and geography! And, we have a downloadable starter kit for collecting Lincoln cents. Check it out!
While most high school and college seniors aren’t experiencing the traditional cap-and-gown walk across a stage to receive their diplomas, you can reward their achievement with a Littleton Coin graduation Showpak®. In fact, we have a range of special-occasion gifts featuring the 2020 American Silver Eagle and other popular coins at Littleton Exclusive Showpaks.
Oh, and speaking of kits, have you heard about our free, online coin albums? Optimized for both smartphones and web browsers, Littleton Coin Company’s Virtual Albums allow you to keep track of what you have, plus what you may be looking for to complete a collection. Take a look around and see how easy they are to use. Many collectors carry their virtual albums with them on their mobile phones when they go to a coin store or yard saling! It’s a great way to be ready for when social distancing ends and we can resume our hobby in person and in real time.