Littleton Coin Company

Coins & Paper Money

How to have fun collecting coins with special dates!

One of the things I like best about coins as collectibles is that they display the year they were minted. So you don’t have to be an expert to know how old a coin

National Presidential Joke Day!

Did you hear the one about… Even Ronald Reagan – the “Great Communicator” – had his days. This former-actor-turned-president was known for making the occasional quip… And then there was the day he nearly

How to assemble a collection of animal coins

It’s a jungle out there! It’s easy to build a collection of animal coins – look no further than U.S. coins to find an eagle! Plus, there’s a wide variety of wildlife featured on

Coins that remind us what the 4th of July is really about

Sure the Fourth of July is about parades, fireworks and barbecues, but the official name of the federal holiday is Independence Day – commemorating the signing and adoption of the Declaration of Independence 239