Coins & Paper Money

National Coin Week honors the Liberty Design
Littleton Coin Company celebrates with the Liberty Silver Coin Sweepstakes This year marks the 100th anniversary of three of America’s most beautiful and beloved coins – the “Mercury” dime, Standing Liberty quarter and Liberty

Be aware: Coins with ties to the Ides of March!
“Beware the Ides of March…” The Soothsayer’s warning to Julius Caesar in Shakepeare’s play is familiar to many. But how many actually know where it hails from? And furthermore: why do we call March

3 Easy ways to get started collecting Ancient Coins!
Imagine owning a coin struck before the time of Christ and actually holding it in your hand. Instead of looking at it in a museum case, you’ll hold a tangible object that’s familiar and

Going bananas for the Chinese Lunar Year of the Monkey – 2016
It’s time to ring in the new year – again! That’s right… although the modern Gregorian calendar flips the year every January 1, the lunar-solar Chinese calendar was set according to lunar phases, solar