Littleton Coin Company

Author Archive : LCC Writing Team

Why Commemoratives are BIG news this year

Top 5 for 2015… “Building Tomorrows: Inspiration and Innovation at World’s Fairs” is the theme for 2015’s National Coin Week which takes place April 19-25. The ANA’s (American Numismatic Association) coin week is designed

Rebels, Riders, Runners and Patriots’ Day

Patriots’ Day is celebrated in April in three states: Massachusetts, Wisconsin, and Maine (although Maine refers to it as Patriot’s Day – note the apostrophe). For those of you who watched the History Channel’s

We’re Celebrating National Coin Week all Month long…

With a gold coin sweepstakes! April 19-25 is National Coin Week, but we’re celebrating all month with a special Gold Coin Sweepstakes to honor this year’s theme – Inspiration and Innovation at World’s Fairs,

Morgan Silver Dollars – Symbol of the Great American Spirit

Silver dollars… specifically Morgan silver dollars, embody the rough-and-ready adventurous spirit that made America what it is today…. When gamblers anted up at the poker table, they threw in a silver dollar. When cowboys