Littleton Coin Company

Author Archive : Kierstin S.

Working with coins can “change” your perspective!

It’s funny to look back and notice how one decision changed your world. A big one for me was my choice to build a career around writing about coins. I used to spend money

Cents & Insensibility

Is it time for the U.S. to drop the penny? Lately, it seems as though everyone is talking about the cent… and there’s a good reason why. Now, I’m not exactly a math whiz

10 Great Coin Books to Add to Your Collector’s Bookshelf

As a copywriter at Littleton Coin Company, I have certain reference books I turn to frequently, and keep right at my fingertips! These books provide numismatic facts and background that I need to write

2015 designs that put the “new” in numismatics!

Happy New Year! Here’s hoping that 2015 is your best year yet. Like a lot of people, I like to set goals at the beginning of each year – something to work toward. Maybe