Littleton Coin Company

Author Archive : Kierstin S.

The “Cents”ible side of Lincoln

My top 10 favorite Lincoln cents… Last month, I wrote about the impracticality of continuing America’s cent. But that got me thinking: these coins are SO popular, we’re holding on to them out of

Tactile Money Will be Great. I can just… feel it.

Before long, Americans should start seeing new paper money with “tactile devices.” This is a fancy way of saying that the U.S. government will start making notes that are easier for sight-impaired individuals to

Working with coins can “change” your perspective!

It’s funny to look back and notice how one decision changed your world. A big one for me was my choice to build a career around writing about coins. I used to spend money

Cents & Insensibility

Is it time for the U.S. to drop the penny? Lately, it seems as though everyone is talking about the cent… and there’s a good reason why. Now, I’m not exactly a math whiz