Littleton Coin Company

Author Archive : Kierstin S.

Fleshing out the history of nudity on US money

Nude: devoid of a natural or conventional covering, especially a person’s flesh. Whether you say nude, naked, unclothed, in the buff or nekkid… It’s the most natural state a person can be in. And yet,

How to find the perfect coin gift for Mom

It’s her special way of hugging you whether you need it or not – but especially when you need it most… her comforting way that immediately lets you know you’re “home”… words of advice

The “Cents”ible side of Lincoln

My top 10 favorite Lincoln cents… Last month, I wrote about the impracticality of continuing America’s cent. But that got me thinking: these coins are SO popular, we’re holding on to them out of

Tactile Money Will be Great. I can just… feel it.

Before long, Americans should start seeing new paper money with “tactile devices.” This is a fancy way of saying that the U.S. government will start making notes that are easier for sight-impaired individuals to