Littleton Coin Company

Author Archive : Kierstin S.

Thinking it’s time to sell your collection?

Here are 3 easy steps to get you started! It’s a tough decision to make, but it’s one that most collectors face at some point – determining that it’s time to sell your collection.

National Presidential Joke Day!

Did you hear the one about… Even Ronald Reagan – the “Great Communicator” – had his days. This former-actor-turned-president was known for making the occasional quip… And then there was the day he nearly

How to assemble a collection of animal coins

It’s a jungle out there! It’s easy to build a collection of animal coins – look no further than U.S. coins to find an eagle! Plus, there’s a wide variety of wildlife featured on

The perfect Father’s Day gift could be closer than you think!

There’s some uncertainty as to when Father’s Day originated in the United States. One story holds that the first Father’s Day celebration was held in 1908, when a woman named Grace Golden Clayton suggested