Author Archive : Helen P.

As Visions of Sugar Plums Danced
Few women have had their images struck on legal tender U.S. coins. To date, none are honored twice – on different denominations – in the same year except for one! Native American Maria Tallchief

The Texas Activism of Jovita Idár
To understand how Jovita Idár of Laredo, TX came to be honored on a 2023 U.S. Women Quarter, let’s go back in time to the early 18th century. As the kings of France and

Liberty & Freedom Forever!
Brand awareness goes back thousands of years. Emperors used their profiles and statues to ensure their influence and allegiance. If we leap forward into the post-WWII decades, America’s advertising historians might point to whiz

Franklin & the Other Mrs. Ross
Mention Franklin and Ross in the same sentence, and the young widow who stitched an early version of the American flag, Betsy Griscom Ross, leaps to mind. After all, both lived in Philadelphia as