Littleton Coin Company

Author Archive : Helen P.

What Strikes a Young Collector’s Fancy

We’re very pleased to share this Q&A with a young collector from Detroit. Jack came to our attention when his mom sent us a photo of him with a copy of his Showcase and

From Tears to Triumph: Wilma Mankiller Blazed Her Own Trail

2022-P Wilma Mankiller U.S. Women Quarter The year: 1969. The event: Native American occupation of Alcatraz Island. The importance: First intertribal protest about the condition of indigenous peoples in the United States. The impact

In the Eye of the Beholder

We were excited about the World’s Fair of Money running August 16-20! Those of us who write the Heads & Tails blog articles are especially thrilled by the focus of this year’s Sundman Lecture

One Giant Leap for Women

Fourteen years after Neil Armstrong famously said from the moon’s surface, “One giant leap for mankind,” Dr. Sally Ride made the giant leap into space for American women in 1983. Ride’s latest news-making leap