Littleton Coin Company

2023 Kennedy Half Dollars Mark 60 Years
Since JFK’s Death and the Series’ Beginning

Where were you on November 22, 1963? It’s hard to believe it’s been 60 years since America’s 35th president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was shot and killed while campaigning for reelection in Dallas, Texas. The...
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5 Educational Benefits for Kids Coin Collecting 

Coin collecting is the hobby that lets you hold a piece of history in the palm of your hand, which makes it both engaging and enjoyable! Coin collecting for kids (suggested seven years and...
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Everything You Need to Know about Tossing a Coin into Rome’s Trevi Fountain

One of Rome’s most iconic tourist attractions is filled with rich history…and coins? The Trevi Fountain is located in the heart of Rome where three streets meet, hence the name Tre (meaning three in...
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A deep dive into the history of National Bank Notes
And should you reference Charter Periods?

Within the collecting world, there are several niches that individuals can get into. Quarters, for one – a trend that really kicked off with the Statehood quarter series and National Park quarters. Ancient coins...
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