Rebels, Riders, Runners and Patriots’ Day
Patriots’ Day is celebrated in April in three states: Massachusetts, Wisconsin, and Maine (although Maine refers to it as Patriot’s Day – note the apostrophe). For those of you who watched the History Channel’s...
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We’re Celebrating National Coin Week all Month long…
With a gold coin sweepstakes! April 19-25 is National Coin Week, but we’re celebrating all month with a special Gold Coin Sweepstakes to honor this year’s theme – Inspiration and Innovation at World’s Fairs,...
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Behind the Scenes from Littleton’s Coin buyer: Nate
“I see a lot of unusual items, but did a double-take on these notes…” I was sitting at my desk a month back when I was handed a new purchase to look at. It was...
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Tactile Money Will be Great. I can just… feel it.
Before long, Americans should start seeing new paper money with “tactile devices.” This is a fancy way of saying that the U.S. government will start making notes that are easier for sight-impaired individuals to...
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