Littleton Coin Company

New Release Spotlight:
Collecting 2023 U.S. Dollars

Each year, coin collectors are eager to see all the new issues. And this year, if you collect dollar coins, you won’t be disappointed!

That’s because the U.S. Mint plans to release a veritable fistful of dollar coins this year. We’re talking eight different 2023 U.S. dollars – and not one is a commemorative coin!

From exciting new designs to historic favorites from the past, there’s plenty for collectors to look forward to this year. And what better way to begin than with…

Four NEW U.S. Innovation dollars!

Each year, the U.S. Mint releases four new $1 coins honoring American inventions and innovators from four of the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the five U.S. territories. Known as U.S. Innovation dollars, the series began in 2018 with a single design, then switched to four designs per year for the remainder of the series (2019-2032).

And this year’s designs are especially exciting!

First up is the 2023 Ohio Innovation dollar, which honors Underground Railroad. This coin features a powerful reverse that shows two clasped hands as one person helps lift up another as they shed the shackles of slavery.

Paired with the series’ dramatic Statue of Liberty obverse, this is an eye-catching and inspiring coin. And you can already add it to your collection through Littleton’s online store (at least, while supplies last).

Next up is the Louisiana Innovation dollar. Due out this spring, it pays tribute to the famous Higgins Boat that brought Allied troops and vehicles ashore to defeat the Axis powers in World War II.

The Indiana Innovation dollar is scheduled for a summer release, and auto enthusiasts in particular are going to love this coin. Its reverse recognizes the state’s long history of automotive innovation with not one, but three cars: an early gas-powered automobile, a stylish classic car (which appears to be modeled after a Duesenberg), and an Indy-style race car.

Needless to say, I’m already looking forward to seeing Littleton’s colorized version of this one!

The rest of the 2023 Innovation dollars - Littleton Coin Blog

Also due out this summer is the Mississippi Innovation dollar. This coin’s distinctive reverse honors the first human lung transplant, which was performed by Dr. James D. Hardy and his team at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS on June 11, 1963.

With designs like these, it’s easy to see why U.S. Innovation dollars are favorites among collectors, myself included. With a wide variety of subjects and designs, these coins are a great way to introduce young collectors to the hobby. And they can be fun tools for teaching science and history.

Best of all, the series is only in its fifth year. So if you haven’t started collecting them yet, you can easily catch up. You’ll find a great assortment of Innovation dollar coins and supplies in Littleton’s online store. (Just click here.)

Of course, the new Innovation dollars aren’t the only 2023 U.S. dollars we’ll see this year. There’s also the new…

2023 Native American dollars

Once known as Sacagawea dollars, these coins were renamed Native American dollars in 2009, when the series’ original Eagle reverse was retired. In its place, the coins now bear a new reverse design each year honoring Native American contributions to the history and development of the United States.

So what do this year’s Native American dollars honor? None other than artistic trailblazer Maria Tallchief and Native Americans in ballet.

A member of the Osage Nation, Tallchief was America’s first major prima ballerina, as well as the first Native American to hold the rank. She achieved international fame along with four other Oklahoma Native Americans, including her younger sister Marjorie Tallchief, Yvonne Chateau, Rosella Hightower and Moscelyne Larkin.

Together, the five were known as the “Five Moons,” and their legacy continues to influence ballet today.

All five grace the new Native American dollar’s reverse. They are depicted in balletic pose with a lunar motif, with Maria Tallchief front and center representing the full Moon.

It’s a striking design that conveys both beauty and action, with the figures almost seeming to dance their way out of the coin. And one I’m sure will make these 2023 U.S. dollars a favorite for many collectors.

2023 American Silver Eagle

Without a doubt, one of the most popular 2023 U.S. dollars this year will be the American Silver Eagle – and for good reason.

As America’s official silver bullion series, these coins are struck in 1 oz. of 99.9% pure silver. So their intrinsic value alone far exceeds their $1 face value. But that’s just one reason silver eagles are prized by collectors.

The obverse of each American Silver Eagle bears A.A. Weinman’s cherished Liberty Walking design, which once graced half dollars of 1916-1947. And since 2021, their dramatic reverse depicts an eagle with wings spread, clutching an oak branch (a symbol of strength and independence) as it prepares to land.

While their design does not change annually like the other dollar coins we’ve covered, these bullion coins are beloved by collectors.

And the good news is you don’t have to wait to add the new 2023 American Silver Eagles to your collection. Just click here to check out the wide selection available in Littleton’s online store.

Plus, 2023 Peace & Morgan silver dollars!

Last – but certainly not least – are two 2023 U.S. dollars that are bound to have collectors champing at the bit. Because the U.S. Mint has announced that this year it will once again strike official Peace and Morgan dollars.

In 2021, the U.S. Mint released 100th Anniversary Peace and Morgan dollars struck in 99.9% pure silver (unlike the original 90% silver dollars). And while the coins were highly anticipated, nobody realized how quickly collectors would eagerly scoop them up.

The day they became available, the mint sold out of both coins in under 30 minutes!

2023 Morgan and Peace dollars - Littleton Coin Blog
2023 Morgan and Peace dollars

Due to the obvious collector demand, it was announced more Peace and Morgan dollars would be issued the following year. But the mint was forced to cancel its plans for 2022 Peace and Morgan dollars when it was unable to obtain enough silver planchets to produce the coins.

Happily, this year the supply issues seem to have been resolved.

New 2023 Morgan and Peace dollars are scheduled for release this summer. And like the 2021 issues, they will be minted in 99.99% pure silver.

Even better, collectors will have three different versions of each to choose from.

First, there will be the traditional Uncirculated issues. Then the Proofs with their frosted design details and mirrorlike surfaces. And finally, the mint will strike special Reverse Proofs. Which – you guessed it – will feature mirrored design details set against a frosted background.

Which 2023 U.S. dollars will you add to your collection?

All told, this is proving to be an exciting year for coin collectors. Between all the new 2023 U.S. dollars, exciting U.S. Women quarters, traditional issues and more, we have plenty of coins and designs to choose from.

What do you think of the 2023 U.S. dollars and their designs? Are there any in particular you plan on adding to your collection?

We’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

Happy Collecting!

This article was written by Len B.

A lifelong writer and collector, Len is a USAF veteran, New Hampshire native and member of the American Numismatic Association.


Kierstin S. ” Now you see them, now you don’t… Where are the 2023 Commemorative Coins?” Heads & Tails. Littleton Coin Company. February 27, 2023

Unser, Mike. ” US Mint Sales: Morgans, Peace $1s, and 2021-S Type 2 Proof Silver Eagles Debut”. Coin Week. August 18, 2021

Gikes, Paul. ” Mint officials cancel 2022 Morgan and Peace dollar production” Coin World. March 18, 2022.

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