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Good-bye Alexander… $10 bill next in line for a change!

E. Roosevelt or H. Tubman? - Littelton Coin BlogIf you could pick a woman to put on the $10 bill, who would it be? According to the latest poll by the U.S. Treasury, to which 1.5 million Americans responded, it would be either Eleanor Roosevelt or Harriet Tubman.

Originally… It was to be the $20 bill for 2020!

The bill of choice was not always the $10 Federal Reserve Note, originally it was the $20. The $20 was proposed by the group Women on 20s. It all began when Barbara Howard, who owns a construction company, started wondering why women weren’t shown on America’s paper money. She decided to poll a group of friends to see, if it were up to them, who they’d like to see on our currency. With that, Women on 20s was born.

Susan B. Anthony on a $20 bill - Littleton Coin Blog

Our artist rendition of what a new $20 note could look like.

The group decided on the $20, because in 2020 America’s currency will undergo significant changes and 2020 also marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote. They chose 15 of the most historically significant women, developed a web presence and began a campaign, asking the public to vote on their selections. Choices ranged from Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton and Barbara Jordan, to Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman and Eleanor Roosevelt.

9-Year-Old asks Why?

Then in 2014, 9-year-old Sofia wrote President Obama and asked, “Why don’t women have coins or dollar bills with their faces on it?” Later the president mentioned it in a speech, and in April 2015, when New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen introduced S.925 Women on the Twenty Act, the campaign took off. Women on 20s presented a petition to the president in May and in June, Secretary of Treasury Jacob Lew announced it will redesign the $10 bill to feature a woman.
$10 Bill - Littleton Coin Blog
The reason the $10 was chosen is because it’s next in line to be redesigned (the $20 was updated in 2003). Secretary Lew is expected to make the final decision about who’ll be the face of the new $10 by the end of the year, but until then the Treasury would like to hear from you! Who would you like to see? Let them know! I think the idea of a woman on money is long overdue, what do you think? Who should be the face of the new redesigned $10? Let me know.

  1. Edward Saramak | Reply
  2. Kenny | Reply
  3. charles wenck | Reply

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