In the spirit of giving…
Australia releases first ever dollar meant to be donated
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In a year that’s kept everyone on their toes, it’s nice to see a story about giving back. In early September, the Royal Australian Mint made a fantastic announcement about this very thing!
At the beginning of the month, they released 3 million new “Donation Dollars” in to circulation. Unlike other circulating coins, these dollars bear the phrase give to help others on the reverse. That, along with the words donation dollar, surround a green circle with a ripple design that’s meant to represent the ongoing impact that continued donations will make.
A new coin for a new age
While these coins can be spent just like any other dollar coin, the government is encouraging citizens to pass it along as a donation to someone in need. It’s estimated that if each Australian donated one of these coins, they have the potential to raise $300 million each year for those in need.
The first lot of coins released into circulation this year is just the tip of the iceberg. Currently, the Royal Australian Mint is projected to release millions more of these important pieces in the years to come.
Issued in time for a day of charity
Australia’s Donation Dollar released just before the September 5 International Day of Charity. This UN initiative is a call for people around the globe to help one another at all times. That made for a fitting time to release these heartwarming coins!
While we usually shine the spotlight on collectible coins, the Royal Australian Mint is hoping their new Donation Dollar becomes anything but collectible. They’re encouraging people to keep these coins circulating, creating a major “pay it forward” movement.
Joining a lineup of popular classics
Even though these Donation Dollars aren’t intended to be collectibles, there are plenty of Australian dollars that are! Most celebrate their indigenous animals, like the Kookaburra, Koala and Kangaroo. There’s even a silver series dedicated to the Chinese lunar calendar!
What are your thoughts on this innovative new movement? I’d love to hear them in the comments below!
This article was written by Helen P.
An adventurous time-traveler, Helen P. is an author of numerous regional history books.