Littleton Coin Company

The Deals are heating up this Holiday Season!

Holiday Favorites  - Littleton Coin Blog

The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes some of the busiest shopping days of the year. This Friday, in-store sales are expected to skyrocket, as millions begin seeking out incredible deals during Black Friday. The next day, it’s time to stop in to local retailers to show your support during Small Business Saturday!

But in 2018, it was the other “shopping holiday” that proved to be the biggest online sales day of the year – Cyber Monday.

Kicking off the holidays

More Holiday Favorites - Littletoin Coin BlogThe first Monday following the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S. was originally dubbed “Cyber Monday” in 2005. Writing for the National Retail Federation, Ellen Davis made the first known use of the phrase, with The New York Times and Wall Street Journal quickly picking up on the label.

It originated because, at the time, home internet speeds were much slower than they are today. As a result, those Americans who had access to faster internet speeds at work would wait until Monday. Then, once they returned to the office, they could check online deals and price compare versus Black Friday specials.

Find gifts from the comfort of home!

And no one has looked back. Each year, the U.S. clicks their way into an all-new record. And as they do, each shopper saves him- or herself both time and money! No trips to the store, no waiting in line… No fighting the crazy crowds of Black Friday. Plus, online retailers know this is the day their most valued customers are looking for the best holiday deals, and they make sure to deliver.

This year, Littleton Coin Company is looking to extend the holiday cheer by offering multiple deals throughout the holiday shopping season. The savings start this Monday, when you can take 20% off online orders up to $200!

Plus, extra surprises will await – if you don’t already receive our email newsletter, sign up now so that you don’t miss a single deal!

This article was written by Kierstin S.

Since 2000, Kierstin has enjoyed sharing her love of collecting with folks like you.

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