Littleton Coin Company

She’s the First!

A Littleton exclusive!

New Series - First Spouses of America Collection - Littleton Coin Blog

Advocate. Ceremonial stand-in. Hostess. These are just some of the duties performed by Washington, D.C.’s most influential resident who is also unelected, unpaid and not even mentioned in the Constitution: The First Spouse.

As a position, it’s one that has evolved a lot since the days of Martha Washington. The modern era shows that even though there has never been an official job description, the First Spouse does perform a vital role. Individual contributions – at home and abroad – bring valuable attention to a wide range of concerns. To list but a few, they have included literacy, the support of military families and personnel, childcare, volunteerism, Civil Rights, mental health, the arts, drug prevention, education, equal rights for women, healthcare and the preservation of open space.

The First Spouse’s persuasive influence has successfully affected passage of important legislation that continues to benefit millions of Americans. And at international events, their presence and voices generate tremendous positive impact.

Elaine & Chris reviewing the First Spouses Collection Folder

Senior Design Supervisor Elaine and Merchandiser Chris review a final draft of The First Spouses of America Collection folder before it is sent out for production.

To celebrate these remarkable individuals and their achievements, Littleton Coin Company has unveiled an exclusive, 12-coin series we’re calling “First Spouses of America Collection.” The set spans the influential post-WWII years from 1953 to the present. Each portrait has been carefully colorized on Kennedy half dollars by Littleton’s artists using unique domed technology that offers exceptionally detailed, uninterrupted designs.

Melania, Nancy and Jackie are on the first 3 collectible coins

Littleton Coin Company has three collectible coins that are immediately available, starting with the current First Spouse, Melania Trump. On May 7, 2018, she launched her Be Best platform with an announcement in the White House Rose Garden. Be Best is Mrs. Trump’s comprehensive children’s well-being awareness campaign. It focuses on emotional and social health, including both the positive and negative effects of social media. She encourages teaching children positive online behavior.

During her tenure as First Spouse, Nancy Reagan brought greater attention to Foster Grandparents, a federally funded all-volunteer initiative. She also campaigned for drug education and prevention programs for children and young adults with a campaign titled “Just Say No.” Mrs. Reagan was the first First Spouse to speak before the United Nations General Assembly. She called for stricter law enforcement against international drug trafficking.

A strong supporter of the arts, Jacqueline Kennedy undertook the first major restoration of public rooms in the White House since WWII. She invited artists to present programs at the Executive Mansion. During her brief time as First Spouse, Mrs. Kennedy championed legislation that would eventually create the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

A beautiful red brocade, custom folder helps collectors organize this first-of-its-kind series from Littleton Coin Company. The placement for each First Spouse coin is complemented by a photo and brief summary of achievements.

First Spouses Collection Folder Open - Littleton Coin Blog

This informative custom folder measures 18″ x 12″ open.

News of each upcoming coin’s release will be announced on our website and Facebook page, and in upcoming catalogs. Join us as we celebrate the 20th century achievements of Mamie Eisenhower, Lady Bird Johnson, Pat Nixon, Betty Ford, Rosalynn Carter, Barbara Bush and Hillary Clinton. We’re also honoring the 21st century successes of Laura Bush, Michelle Obama and Melania Trump.

Many of us here at the Littleton Coin Company have fond memories of these First Spouses. Do you have one you’d like to share?

This article was written by Helen P.

An adventurous time-traveler, Helen P. is an author of numerous regional history books.

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