Littleton Coin Company

Author Archive : Rachael R

All’s Fair in Love and Coins

From candy hearts to Cupid’s bow, February 14th has made a name for itself. While Valentine’s Day can trace its roots back to the festival of Lupercalia in Ancient Rome, today’s celebration is a

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

With the thrill of the holidays behind us and a new year ahead, here in New Hampshire we’re ready to embrace the cold. From racing down ski slopes to enjoying local views, the White

Out with the old…
Ringing 2025 in with the new!

The start of a new year always brings so many possibilities with it. Maybe this is the year I learn a different language, beat my reading goal or start a new collection! It’s fun

George Washington Carver… The Plant Doctor

What do pancake flour, hand lotion and rubber all have in common? Dr. George Washington Carver – Missouri’s own agricultural scientist and horticulturist – improved them with the use of peanuts. Born enslaved towards